13:40~14:30 | 1.急慢性感染症病原体としての腸内ウイルス
アントニオ・トニオロ(インスブリア大学 )
Antonio TONIOLO, M.D.
Current position:Professor of Medical Microbiology, University of Insubria; Director of the University Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences and Director of the Hospital Department of Clinical Pathology (address: Laboratorio di Microbiologia e Virologia, Universit? dell’Insubria & Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi – Viale Borri 57, 21100 Varese).
Education: 1966-1972 University of Pisa Medical School; 1972 M.D. degree “cum laude”; 1973-1976 Specialty in Medical Microbiology “cum laude”; 1977 Medical Lieutenant, Italian Army; 1978-1981 Laboratory of Oral Medicine, NIDR, NIH, Bethesda, Md.; 1984 Dpt. of Microbiology, Univ. of Galveston, Tx.; 1992 Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, NIDR, NIH, Bethesda.
Fellowships:Student at the Chester Beatty Institute for Cancer Research, London (1970); Research Fellow at: Institute for Cancer Research, Milan (1975), CNR, Rome (1978), Fogarty Center, Bethesda, Md., USA (1978-81).
Academic career: University of Pisa: Assistant Professor of Microbiology (1974-1982), Associate Professor (1982-85). Member, Ph.D. programs: “Experimental Medical Microbiology” (1984-2000), and “Experimental Medicine and Oncology” (2000-present). Full Professor of Medical Microbiology at the Medical Schools of the following Universities: Sassari (1985-89), Pisa (1990-91), Pavia (1991-98), and Insubria (1998-present).
Professional activity:University of Pisa: Laboratory of Bacteriology (1974-81), Laboratory of Virology and Clinical Immunology (1981-85); Director, Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, University of Sassari (1985-89); Consultant Virologist, Ospedale Santa Chiara, Pisa (1990-92); Director, Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology and Human Genetics, Azienda Ospedaliera di Circolo, Varese (1992-2001); Director, Clinical Pathology Laboratories, Azienda Ospedaliera di Circolo, Varese (2001-present).
Societies:2001-2005, President, Societ? Italiana di Microbiologia Medica, Odontoiatrica e Clinica (SIMMOC). Member of: Italian Microbiological Societies (SIM and AMCLI), American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Swiss Society for Microbiology (SSM); European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID); NIH Alumni Association (NIHAA). Scientific Director, “Giornale Italiano di Microbiologia Medica” (GIMMOC).
Referee for the following journals:American J Infectious Diseases; ANSI Biotechnology; Diabetologia; Emerging Infectious Diseases; International Journal Antimicrobial Agents; International Journal Cancer; Immunopharmacology; Journal Clinical Microbiology; New Microbiologica; Pakistan Journal Biological Sciences; Vaccine.
Research activity:Pathogenesis of viral and bacterial infections; role of viruses in endocrine and neurological disease; human and murine retrovirus-induced immunodeficiency; viral tumorigenesis and growth factors; antiviral vaccines; resistance to antimicrobial drugs.
Collaborative research:Department of Molecular Immunology, University of Tokyo; Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland; Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Chicago, Michigan; Department of Neuropathology, University of Zurich; Department of Pathology, University of Pisa; Department of Neurology, University of Verona.
Research grants:CNR-FATMA: “Malattie da Infezione”; Istituto Superiore di Sanit?: Progetto AIDS “HIV tropism for non-lymphoid cells”; MIUR-COFIN: “DNA vaccines”, MIUR-FAR: “Mechanisms of drug resistance” and “Antiviral drugs against picornaviruses”; Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia: “Cultured myoblasts as a therapeutic aid in chronic cardiac failure”; Regione Lombardia: “Cell therapy with adult stem cells”; Fondazione Cariplo: “Viral pathogenesis of post-polio syndrome”.
Research achievements:i. Demonstration that certain cytokines (IL6 and IL8) are produced by normal human mammary cells but are suppressed in mammary cancer; ii. Demonstration that the interferon system hinders the development of virus-induced mammary tumors in mice; iii. Demonstration that the Friend leukemia virus replicates in macrophages in the early stage of infection; iv. Demonstration that HIV-1 infects mammary epithelial cells thus contributing to virus transmission through lactation; v. Demonstration that HIV-1 may infect kidney cells thus contributing to renal failure; vi. Demonstration that foamy viruses can infect humans; vii. Dectection of new drug-resistance determinants in enteric bacteria; viii. Demonstration that coxsackieviruses can produce diabetes in mice; ix. Demonstration that a DNA-based vaccine may protect against coxsackievirus infections; x. Demonstration that chemicals synergize with encephalomyocarditis virus in causing type-1 diabetes; xi. Demonstration of long-term persistence of poliovirus in patients with the post-polio syndrome; xii. Demonstration that different antivirals synergize in inhibiting enterovirus replication.
Publications: over 200 scientific publications (Medline-indexed journals: 96; Reviews and monographs: 21; Journals not indexed in Medline: 58; Meeting abstracts: >200).
Recent publications (2003-2006):
- Toniolo A, Endimiani A, Luzzaro F. Microbiology of postoperative infections. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2006;7 Suppl 2:s13-6.
- Mugnaioli C, Luzzaro F, De Luca F, Brigante G, Perilli M, Amicosante G, Stefani S, Toniolo A, Rossolini GM. CTX-M-type extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in Italy: molecular epidemiology of an emerging countrywide problem. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2006 Aug;50(8):2700-6.
- Luzzaro F, Mezzatesta M, Mugnaioli C, Perilli M, Stefani S, Amicosante G, Rossolini GM, Toniolo A. Trends in the production of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases among enterobacteria of medical interest. Report of the second Italian nationwide survey. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2006; 44:1659-64.
- Endimiani A, Luzzaro F, Pini B, Amicosante G, Rossolini GM, Toniolo AQ. Pseudomonas aeruginosa bloodstream infections: risk factors and treatment outcome related to expression of the PER-1 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase. BMC Infect Dis. 2006; 6:52.
- Endimiani A, Brigante G, Bettaccini AA, Luzzaro F, Grossi P, Toniolo AQ. Failure of levofloxacin treatment in community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia. BMC Infect Dis. 2005; 5:106.
- Baj A, Bettaccini A, Nishimura T, Onodera T, Toniolo A. Poliovirus type 1 infection of murine PRNP-knockout neuronal cells. J Neurovirol. 2005; 11:237-46.
- Baj A, Bettaccini AA, Casalone R, Sala A, Cherubino P, Toniolo AQ. Culture of skeletal myoblasts from human donors aged over 40 years: dynamics of cell growth and expression of differentiation markers. J Transl Med. 2005; 3:21-33.
- Bettaccini AA, Baj A, Accolla RS, Basolo F, Toniolo AQ. Proliferative activity of extracellular HIV-1 Tat protein in human epithelial cells: expression profile of pathogenetically relevant genes. BMC Microbiol. 2005; 5:20.
- Brigante G, Luzzaro F, Perilli M, Lombardi G, Coli A, Rossolini GM, Amicosante G, Toniolo A. Evolution of CTX-M-type beta-lactamases in isolates of Escherichia coli infecting hospital and community patients. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2005; 25:157-62.
- Ferrari M, Corradi A, Petronini PG, Tosini A, Toniolo A, Robotti C, Moratti R. Evaluation of endogenous pig retrovirus expression and of tumorigenicity in nude mice. Vet Res Commun. 2004; 28:287-90.
- Basolo F, Giannini R, Faviana P, Fontanini G, Patricelli Malizia A, Ugolini C, Elisei R, Miccoli P, Toniolo A. Thyroid papillary carcinoma: preliminary evidence for a germ-line single nucleotide polymorphism in the Fas gene. J Endocrinol. 2004 Sep;182(3):479-84.
- Luzzaro F, Endimiani A, Docquier JD, Mugnaioli C, Bonsignori M, Amicosante G, Rossolini GM, Toniolo A. Prevalence and characterization of metallo-beta-lactamases in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2004 Feb;48(2):131-5.
- Luzzaro F, Docquier JD, Colinon C, Endimiani A, Lombardi G, Amicosante G, Rossolini GM, Toniolo A. Emergence in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterobacter cloacae clinical isolates of the VIM-4 metallo-beta-lactamase encoded by a conjugative plasmid. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2004 Feb;48(2):648-650.
- Endimiani A, Luzzaro F, Perilli M, Lombardi G, Coli A, Tamborini A, Amicosante G, Toniolo A. Bacteremia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates producing the TEM-52 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase: treatment outcome of patients receiving imipenem or ciprofloxacin. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Jan 15;38(2):243-51.
- Nakamura, Y., Sakudo, A., Saeki, K., Kaneko, T., Matsumoto, Y., Toniolo, A., Itohara, S. and Onodera, T. (2003) Transfection of prion protein gene suppresses coxsackievirus B3 replication in prion protein gene-deficient cells. J. Gen. Virol. 2003 84: 3495-3502.
15:40~16:30 | 3.各国のBSEリスク
Dagmar Heim
Education and qualifications
1988-1993: study of veterinary medicine, Free University of Berlin, Berlin Germany
1993: diploma in veterinary medicine
1994-1996: veterinary thesis, Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis, Mittelh?usern and Institute of Neurology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
(Retrospective epidemiological study on neurological diseases in animals)
Positions held
June – December 1996: Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis, Mittelhaeusern, Switzerland: evaluation of laboratory data for use in surveillance of animal health
since June 1996: Head of TSE-Project:
Swiss Federal Veterinary Office
Schwarzenburgstr. 161
3097 Bern-Liebefeld, Switzerland
- – Heim D: Erstellung einer Datenbank zur Erfassung neurologischer Krankheiten bei Tieren; Thesis, Institute of Virology and Immunoprophylaxis, Mittelh?usern and Institute of Neurology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
- – Hornlimann B, Heim D, Griot C: Evaluation of BSE Risk Factors among European Countries, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: The BSE Dilemma. Gibbs J, Ed, Springer-Verlag New York, 384-394 (1996).
- – Heim D, Danuser J, Hauser R, Wegmann P: Evaluation von Labordaten zur ?berwachung der Tiergesundheit, AVID-Mitteilungen II, Anlage 23 (1996).
- – Hornlimann B, M?ller C, Vicari A, Heim D, Vandevelde M, Audig? L, Griot C, Kihm U: Epidemiology of BSE in Switzerland; an Overview (Abstract), Wellcome Trust scientific meeting on the epidemiology of BSE and scrapie in Europe, London, UK, November 1996.
- – Kihm U, Hornlimann B, Heim D: Risikoanalyse und Epidemiologie von BSE in der Schweiz, Mitt. Gebiete Lebensm. Hyg, 87, 38-47 (1996).
- – Heim D: BSE in Switzerland, 65th General Session of the International Committee of the OIE, Paris, 26-30 May 1997.
- – Heim D, Fatzer R, Hoernlimann B, Vandevelde M: H?ufigkeit neurologischer Erkrankungen beim Rind, Schweizer Archiv f?r Tierheilkunde, 139, 354-362 (1997).
- – Hornlimann B, Vandevelde M, Braun U, Vicari A, Heim D, Audig? L, M?ller C, Griot C: Epidemiological Surveillance of BSE in Switzerland with specific focus on cases Born after the Feed Ban (BAB) (Abstract), Presented at the VIIIth International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Paris, France, July 1997.
- – Heim D, Vicari A, Vandevelde M, Griot C, Kihm U: BSE in Switzerland, Electronic Conference on Surveillance for the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies of Livestock, (1997).
- – Vandevelde M, Fatzer R, Zurbriggen A, Heim D, Vicari A: Screening for neurological diseases in animals in Switzerland, Electronic Conference on Surveillance for the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies of Livestock, (1997).
- – Heim D: BSE in Switzerland, 66th General Session of the International Committee of the OIE, Paris, 25-29 May 1998.
- – Fatzer R, Ehrensperger F, Heim D, Schmidt J, Schmitt A, Braun U, Vandevelde M: Untersuchungen an 182 Nachkommen von an boviner spongiformer Enzephalopathie (BSE) erkrankten K?hen in der Schweiz. Teil 2: Epidemiologische und pathologische Befunde, Schweizer Archiv f?r Tierheilkunde, 140, 250-254 (1998).
- – Heim D, Kihm U: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Switzerland – the past and the present. Rev.Sci.tech.Off.int.Epiz., 1999, 18(1), 135-144.
- – Schaller O, Fatzer R, Stack M, Clark J, Cooley W, Biffiger K, Egli S, Doherr M G, Vandevelde M, Heim D, Oesch B, Moser M. Validation of a Western immunoblotting procedure for bovine PrPSc detection and ist use as a rapid surveillance method for the diagnosis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Acta Neuropathologica, 1999.
- – Doherr M.G.; Oesch B.; Moser B.; Vandevelde M., and Heim D. Targeted surveillance for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Veterinary Record. 1999; 145:672.
- – Doherr MG; Heim D; Vandevelde M, and Fatzer R. Modelling the expected numbers of preclinical and clinical cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Switzerland. Veterinary Record. 1999; 145(6):155-60.
- – Doherr, M.G., Heim, D., Vandevelde, M., 2000. The need for an active (targeted) surveillance system for BSE and Scrapie in addition to the mandatory reporting of clinical suspect cases. Proceedings of the Meeting of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM), March 29-31, 2000, Edinburgh (UK), pp. 198-203.
- Perler, L., Heim, D.,M?ller H.K., Kihm U. (2000) 10 Jahre BSE in der Schweiz – Der Verlauf einer aussergew?hnlichen Krankheit. Schweizer Archiv f?r Tierheilkunde, 142, 657-664.
- Heim, D, Wilesmith J.W. (2000) Surveillance of BSE. Arch of Virol; 16: 127-133.
- Doherr, M.G., Heim, D., Fatzer, R., Cohen, C.H., Vandevelde, M. & Zurbriggen, A. (2001) Targeted screening of high-risk cattle populations for BSE to augment mandatory reporting of clinical suspects. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 51, 3-16.
- Baumgarten, L., Heim, D., Zurbriggen, A., Doherr, M.G. (2001) Vorkommen von Scrapie (Traberkrankheit) in der Schweiz Eine anonyme Querschnittsstudie [Occurrence of scrapie in Switzerland: an anonymous cross-sectional study]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 143:539-547.
- Doherr M.G.;Hett, A.R.; Cohen, C.H, Fatzer, R?fenacht J., Zurbriggen, A and Heim D (2002). Trends in prevalence of BSE in Switzerland based on fallen stock and slaughter surveillance. Veterinary Record, 150 (11):347-348
- Doherr MG, Hett AR, Rufenacht J, Zurbriggen A, Heim D (2002). Geographical clustering of cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) born in Switzerland after the feed ban. Vet Rec ;151(16):467-72.
- Baumgarten L, Heim D, Fatzer R, Zurbriggen A, Doherr MG (2002) Assessment of the Swiss approach to scrapie surveillance. Vet Rec 2002 ;151(18):545-7
- Schaller P, Schwermer H, Heim D. (2002).Zw?lf Jahre Erfahrung in der Schweiz: Quo vadis BSE? [Twelve years of experience in Switzerland: Quo vadis BSE?]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd;144:716-727.
- Heim D, Kreysa J. (2002). Die Risikoabsch?tzung als Hinweis zur Verbreitung von BSE weltweit [Risk assessment as an indicator for the distribution of BSE in the world]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd;144:710-715.
- Schwermer H, Rufenacht J, Doherr MG, Heim D. (2002). R?umliche Verteilung der BSE in der Schweiz [Geographic distribution of BSE in Switzerland]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd;144:701-708.
- Heim D, Maurer E, Doherr MG. (2002). Transmissible spongiforme Enzephalopathien bei Schafen und Ziegen [Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in sheep and goats]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd;144:675-683.
- Heim D, Geiser F, Perler L, Wyss R. (2002). Jenseits von BSE: Transmissible spongiforme Enzephalopathien bei anderen Tierarten [Beyond BSE: Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in other species]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd;144:664-673.
- Hett AR, Rufenacht J, Perler L, Heim D. (2002). Eine Methode zur Erkennung von BSE-Verdachtsf?llen in der Gruppe der krankgeschlachteten Rinder w?hrend der ante mortem Untersuchung [A method to identify BSE suspects in emergency slaughtered cattle during ante mortem examination]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd;144:654-662.
- Heim D, Kihm U.(2003) Risk management of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in Europe. Rev Sci Tech. (1):179-199.
- Cohen-Sabas CH, Heim D, Zurbriggen A, Stark KD.(2004) Age-period-cohort analysis of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic in Switzerland. Prev Vet Med: 66(1-4):19-33.
- Wenker C, Botteron C, Seuberlich T, Heim D, Robert N (2005). TSE in zoos – update and first case of spongiform encephalopathy in a pigmy zebu (Bos primigenius taurus) in a Swiss Zoo. Proceedings of the Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Prague (Czech Republik), pp. 105-111.
- Heim D, Mumford L. (2005). The future of BSE from the global perspective. Journal of Meat Science: 70 (3), 555-562.
- Kofler M, Seuberlich T, Maurer E, Heim D, Doherr M, Zurbriggen A, Botteron C. (2006).
- [TSE surveillance in small ruminants and pigs: a pilot study] [Article in German] Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd. 148(7):341-2, 344-8.
Book chapters:
- – Heim D (1998): Bek?mpfungs- und Vorsorgemassnahmen gegen die Bovine Spongiforme Enzephalopathie (BSE). In: “BSE und andere spongiforme Enzephalopathien”, U. Braun (Ed), Parey Verlag.
- – Heim D, Schmidt, J (1998): M?glichkeiten der Inaktivierung des Erregers. In: “BSE und andere spongiforme Enzephalopathien”, U. Braun (Ed), Parey Verlag.
- – Heim D, Murray N. (2004): Possibilities to manage the BSE epidemic: cohort culling versus herd culling – experiences in Switzerland. In: Rabenau, Cinatl, Doerr (eds): “Prions – A challenge for science, medicine and the public health system; Contrib Microbiol. Basel, Karger, Vol. 11:186-192.
Member of international committees/working groups:
1999-2003 TSE ad hoc group of the SSC of DG SANCO, EU
1999-2003 Working group of the TSE ad hoc group for the “Geographical BSE risk (GBR)”, DG SANCO, EU
1999-present OIE ad hoc group on Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
2002 OIE ad hoc group on the hypothetical presence of BSE in small ruminants
2002 OIE ad hoc group for the evaluation of country status for BSE in accordance with the Terrestrial Animal Health Code
2001-2005 Ad hoc reviewer for research grants of the Bavarian Prion research-platform (Bayerischer Forschungsverbund Prionen)
2003-present Working group for the “Geographical BSE risk (GBR)”, EFSA
2004-present Diplomat of the European College of Veterinary Public Health (ECVPH)