農学における情報利用研究フォーラムグループ > 農学における情報利用ゼミナール
Leaf trait estimation from reflectance spectra: consideration of leaf structure asymmetry and measurement angles
講師:Shan Lu PhD(Agriculture)
Northeast Normal University, China, Professor
日時: | 2024年1月22日(水)13:00〜 |
教室: | zoom 参加希望者は細井までメールを送ってください. |
参加申込・問合先: | 細井文樹(生物環境情報工学) mail: ahosoi[at]g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
Leaf reflectance can reflect changes in biochemical parameters (e.g., LCC, CAR, EWT, etc.) of leaves, and therefore, vegetation indices extracted from leaf reflectance, as well as optical modeling of leaf reflectance, can be used for estimation of plant growth and health status. However, the effects of leaf dorsiventral asymmetry and measurement angle on leaf reflectance properties, and on the estimation of leaf biochemical parameters, have been less frequently considered. This presentation will introduce the effects of leaf dorsiventral asymmetry and observation angle on leaf reflectance. It will also discuss the construction of vegetation indices that are insensitive to leaf structure and observation angle, and the improvements to leaf optical models by considering the leaf dorsiventral asymmetry and observation angle.
LCC: Leaf chlorophyll content
CAR: Leaf carotenoid content
EWT: Equivalent water thickness